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Lawyer graduated from the University of Buenos Aires, Industrial Property agent and professor at the University of Belgrano in Argentina in  Economy of the Natural Resources.


Paola has worked in the Courts and also large Intellectual Property firms. Before being on her own, she has worked for one of the largest food companies in Argentina.


Since 2012, she has specialized in the interaction between Environmental Law -Access- and Intellectual Property-commercial use of genetic resources-, in light of the provisions of the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Nagoya Protocol, Adpic Agreements and international and Argentinean regulations related to these issues.


She has been a consultant at the University of Buenos Aires in the Faculty of Exact Sciences -FCEN- Secretariat of Linkage and Technology Transfer, in relation to the potential commercial use of genetic resources (microorganisms) belonging to the mycological herbarium of the faculty (FCEN). 


She has also been a consultant to the Conservation and Management Department of the National Parks Administration, and has participated in the preparation of the Research regulations. Also has advised the Ministry of Environment and Control of Sustainable Development of the Province of Chubut, on the developing of provincial regulations on access to genetic resources and their use, as well as the fair and equitable distribution of their benefits, and has participated as a collaborator for the Province of Chubut in the GEF Project ARG / 14-G54 that promotes at the Argentine level the application of the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and fair and equitable sharing of the benefits derived from its use.


She has collaborated in the elaboration of a Draft Law on Traditional Knowledge associated with the use of genetic resources, access regime, recognition and protection (6349-D2015). Also has being part of the Traditional Knowledge Commission of the Argentine Association of Industrial Property Agents.


As a result of her hearing loss, Paola had the challenge of advising people with some type of disability, since 2010, what began as a challenge became her heartloving  "expertise" for which she also advises people in this area. 

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